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goddamn phonies

I'm not too sure what the name of the song was that he was playing when I came in, but whatever it was, he was really stinking it up. He was putting all these dumb, show-offy ripples in the high notes, and a lot of other very tricky stuff that gives me a pain in the ass. You should've heard the crowd, though, when he was finished. You would've puked. They went mad. They were exactly the same morons that laugh like hyenas in the movies at stuff that isn't funny. I swear to God, if I were a piano player or an actor or something and all those dopes thought I was terrific, I'd hate it. I wouldn't even want them to clap for me. People always clap for the wrong things. If I were a piano player, I'd play it in the goddam closet.

Holden Caulfield, en the catcher in the rye

posteado por SrKaito   # 1:22 AM


Holden es como vos... pero al cubo.
hola, tengo ganas de leerlo, y en ingles.... pero nose, todavia estoy en la onda misterio-viaje en el tiempo-sue�os-ciencia ficcion-lost, cuando se me pase, sera una de mis opciones...
HOlden hubiera odiado Fakebook.
kev: yo dir�a al cuadrado.. no estoy tan lejos

laura: te re conviene en ingl�s, s�.. salinger es para leer en ingl�s.. yo le� 9 cuentos en castellano y a pesar de que estaba bastante bien traducido definitivamente no era lo mismo

luciana: qui�n no odia a facebook?

vos tambi�n vas a matar a lennon?

noo, pobre libro. qued� estigmatizado.

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