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black is the color of a strangled rainbow

Este tema fue el eje de mi vida las �ltimas semanas. Cuando hab�a dejado de tener relevancia, dos personas, inconexas entre s�, me lo nombran y recomiendan el mismo d�a. Parece que va a seguir teniendo un poco de relevancia.

sweep up, little sweeper boy
It's you who's got the wig on here
sweep up, little sweeper boy, sweep up

yellow is the color of my true love's crossbow
yellow is the color of the sun
black is the color of
a strangled rainbow
just the color of my loss
black is the color of my true love's arrow
just the color of human blood

you got a shot of shampoo
though it was made thirty years ago
you still got a shot of shampoo
though you were made twenty years ago

speak up, little sweeper boy
they are hard of hearing
anything that anyone has to say

i say yellow is the color of my true love's crossbow
yellow is the color of the sun
black is the color of
a strangled rainbow
just the color of my lung
black is the color of my true love's arrow
exactly the color of my blood

I don't want to die
however dark tomorrow may be
bought me a perfect square of sky
you are worth your weight in gold
you are worth your weight in sorrow, baby
though you will never know why

posteado por SrKaito   # 8:45 PM


y mi dibujo para cuando?
todav�a no es tu cumplea�os...
uuf.. yo los estoy conociendo de a poquisimo ahora...

... viste este video?:


ahora todos conocemos a elvis? que raro.. esta re lindo ese video, no lo hab�a visto
nono caballero, poqu�simo es ver ciertos en vivos en youtube...

.. alg�n disco recomienda para empezar?

tiene solo dos, y est�n los dos buenos, y est�n para bajar en un par de posts mas abajo, as� que lo ten�s servido

(y si, la de la foto del otro post definitivamente era Ana)

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