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i'm stuck for now, it seems

Me apareci� la melod�a de la canci�n mientras me ba�aba, me acord� el nombre y le� las lyrics antes de irme. Nunca le hab�a prestado demasiado atenci�n a la letra.
Adem�s de ser una canci�n sumamente oto�al, dice todo de m� ahora.

Sondre Lerche - Maybe you're gone

You have been waiting all your life
You use your patience to stay fine
Time moves on as you prepare
to tell yourself be reasonable
Then come the times you can't foresee
you cannot leave, you can't release
to keep you far from those dreams
Ignoring the right times
Oh, waiting was my life

For now it's too late
for you may not wait
and things that I have yet to know
vanish before they're complete
I may turn around
to see if you're still there
but as for now, it's just not safe
Maybe you'll wait for me
Maybe you're gone

You've been preparing all your life
You've had some trouble getting it right
And you try to tell yourself it may work, as it should
But something good can do much harm
The good may kill for your embrace
to keep you far from those dreams
you know you cannot dream
I'm stuck for now, it seems

posteado por SrKaito   # 5:22 PM


me gusta la nueva portada de la pag. sisi. y matar�a que la prox subas traducci�n de las canciones que est�n en ingl�s (las que est�n en chino no, no hace falta).

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